Home E News E To make roads safer, IIT-M launches 3-step training process for drivers
To make roads safer, IIT-M launches 3-step training process for drivers

To make roads safer, IIT-M launches 3-step training process for drivers

Centre of Excellence for Road Safety (CoERS) of IIT Madras on Monday launched a ‘Three-Step Training Process’ (3STP) to bridge the gap between the actual trainers in driver training institute and the school’s capacity and capability to obtain a better evaluation of the drivers’ knowledge, skill and practice

The programme was launched under Capacity Building and Quality Standards for Driver Training – Factoring the Human in the Journey for Safe Roads’ at an event held in the campus on Monday. 
The ‘3STP’ initiative aims to bring a lean methodology to audit, provide capacity building and rating of driver training institutes and schools to impart the required training to the drivers, said a statement issued by IIT Madras. 

Read more on The New Indian Express: To make roads safer, IIT-M launches 3-step training process for drivers