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Tamil Nadu Accident and Emergency Care Initiative (TAEI)

Tamil Nadu Accident and Emergency Care Initiative (TAEI) has been rolled out in Tamil Nadu with the aim to strengthen the pre-hospital care, in-hospital care, and rehabilitation. In the pre-hospital care, a fleet of 946 ambulances with 2320 qualified Emergency Medical Technicians are operated and monitored by GVK EMRI in a Public-private partnership mode. About 80 TAEI centers have been identified across the state to provide Emergency Care and are being strengthened with infrastructure, equipment and Human resources. Treatment Protocols and guidelines have been framed and uniformly implemented across the TAEI centers. The ultimate goal of the TAEI centers is to restore the quality of life and hence the whole cycle of management till rehabilitation starts in the Emergency Room. Combined efforts of emergency services have resulted in a decrease in the mortality and morbidity in the last 2 years of operations of TAEI.

TAEI Structure in Brief

TAEI was designed as a Unique & Comprehensive A&E Program using the principles of manufacturing in Trauma Management. The TAEI Accident reporting App by RBG Labs provides a real-time database to analyze, get insights & address the issues technologically. It helps in building strategies for providing medical attention to accident cases thereby reducing casualties.

Data as a driver for Continuous Improvements in TAEI Program

Effective delivery of care requires a data-driven strategy and technology development so that policy framing and implementation audit are performed. In order to bring about this, a reporting App had been developed. TAEI reporting app was developed in coordination with IIT Madras to capture real-time data on a daily basis from all Government hospitals in the state. The TAEI reporting App is designed to be modular with provisions to allow additional modules in the future as would be required. TAEI mobile application is used to capture real-time trauma data from the 80 TAEI hospitals in the state on a daily basis.In the trauma reporting module, data in six major categories such as Road Traffic Accidents, Fall Injuries, Assault cases, Surgeries, Head injuries and Mode of patient transfer. The main scope of TAEI reporting App is in capturing the data during peri- and post-accident timeframe to help increase the survival rate of the injured people. TAEI App helps in formulating policy framework to enhance the favourable outcomes of accidents. It provides a real-time database to analyze, get insight and thereby address the issues technologically. This will be a precursor to the development of a comprehensive accident registry for the Government of Tamil Nadu.