Home E Research E Public Policy E Integrated Road Accident Database (IRAD)

Integrated Road Accident Database (IRAD)

The Tamil Nadu Police, Trauma Commission of Tamil Nadu and RBG Labs, IIT Madras together are working on an integrated road accident database (iRAD). In the workflow of the iRAD, after an accident occurs the first responders attend to the victims to save lives. In a short duration, using TARA interface police records accident details. The health care provider records this trauma registry and accident registry. All of this basic information is placed in a registry and is then consumed by variety of users to help improve their performance and enhance road safety. TARA ecosystem will be structured with mechanisms to learn and evolve based on feedbacks and data analytics.

The applications under iRAD ecosystem integrates all stakeholders in police (TARA Mobile Applications and iRAD Web Applications), health (TAEI Registry and AR Entry), transport (iRAD Web Applications) and highways (iRAD Web Applications). Stakeholders from other states and Government Databases such as VAHAN and SAARTHI will also be involved in understanding their existing databases and systems and the kind of support that system/ service provider will be doing.Close